Saturday, September 15, 2012

At It Again : Promotion: Tips of the Trade

Lab Junk ENT[Entertainment Inc.] 2012

Well, with the now finished album Fresh Since '83 we've officially started on a new album. I haven't been around my computer for a few days so I just wanted to make this quick post to let everyone know that the blog is still going forward and good things are coming soon. Lab Junk Ent is also piecing together the company, but it's coming at a turtle's pace. I wouldn't say that's a bad thing either since I'm a firm believer in the saying 'good things come in good time', but I do wish I had thought of the things I think of now about five years ago.

See, back then we had been a year into music production and things were coming together fast. So fast actually that I believe that we missed a lot we could have been doing, i.e. PROMOTION!!! Yes, you read that right. Just to make clear I'll say it again.


Promotion is key when building in music and for a few years while our company was still in the idea stage we seemed to have missed that. Now with new things coming together it is more vital to what we do than anything else and I wanted to give out a few things I've learned over the years about it to aspiring artist' and starting out promoters. When promoting something, you have to know a few things. First and foremost is the question of what are you promoting? You could start a blog, your own hosted website, or even post flyers in your local city to promote anything you want, but there is a catch to the way you promote. You have to reach people. Making a blog doesn't bring in a whole lot of people without great content that people online are looking for. And nine times out of ten most people don't even look at flyers, so you have to look at how your promotion appearance reaches an audience. Sure, everyone wants a great looking flyer or a great sounding radio advertisement but is that really enough? No, I don't think it is.

Point in blank, you have to come up with a unique way to reach people that says, "Here I am and this is what I can do for this price." Most people can't get past the price thing either because everybody in life wants everything they can get for free. I'm am sorry to say this but this is not the reality we all live in. We all have to pay or work for what we get, even in web posting, and work is an essential part of promotion and you either have it in you or you don't to do it right.

Another key to promotion is in social networking. Sure there is Facebook and Twitter and the like, but that just isn't enough. Having your own social website for the niche your into is essential in promotion. A good example IS music. Make a webpage, whether it be a blog or an actual self hosted website, it is something you must do in today's world. Without an online presence, you won't reach many people so that my friends is the first piece of advice I give to you if your interested in this field.

After you have established an online presence your next goal is to get returning users. Adding a forum for people to talk to one another or adding a help page can greatly increase these numbers. If you go to a blogging site like WorPress or Bogger, these options can be created a lot easier. Also adding a suggestion box for people to give you ideas about how to improve your site would be a great benefit production and site management. Also making a few good friends on these sites can help drive traffic to your own. I know this sounds like a lot of work for the beginner but over time you'll get use to it and most of it will become a natural experience.


Again this article was just a short post to give newcomer an insight into the workings of the music industry, and as I've said in earlier articles I am no genius when it comes to this kind of stuff so hopefully it helps you understand a little more of the world your about to enter. Pretty soon I will start going back and revising articles on things I may have missed that might help a little better. Some new articles about certain types of equipment will also be up so so if your a returning user look for them.

This site will be a work in progress over time and may even be moved to a different site like Wordpress, but I hope in the near future to have my very own website up and running so keep posted! Any comments are more than welcome and any questions regarding this site, it's content, or just general knowledge of music production are always welcome. Just email me at or contact me on my Facebook page HERE.

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