Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Quick Introduction

For those who have seen my pages before it should be no surprise to know what I'm about. A few things in my life have changed and I no longer look at blogging as a hobby but I look at it as a way to teach people about the things I know and to reach people in a new, innovative way to help give them my own understanding of things. I am no saint and I don't possess all the wisdom I wish I did but I do know a thing or two...especially about music and music production. 

This blog will be about that. Music and music production are a passion for me and I hope to give people my own insight into the subject because what I've seen over the years is a saturated music industry filled with fakes and con artists'. It sickens me to see an artist with an ego the size of Texas and believe it or not, some have ones bigger than that.

My main goal out of this is to bring people to a level of understanding I like to call the "Outside The Box" Theory. It basically goes like this; When you come to the conclusion that you understand the whole of a subject in every way, take yourself outside of that understanding to a third or even fourth outlook and try and find a new and maybe even better way to improve the situation. Or in the case of someone who might call them self a scientist, a new possible answer to a extremely hard problem to solve.

On a leaving note, I am the co-head of The Martian Productions and anything you might find on that would completely be original work. I am also and will always be a partner and co-founder of The Lab Junkies and Lab Junk ENT. My partner's name is Prospect a.k.a Slim. We both have been working very hard on our work as artists and try to make it as legit as possible so please give us the respect for at least trying to do something worth doing. You can find any information you want about the Lab Junkies and our music @ www.Reverb.com/labjunkent. Check it out and tell us what you really think. Criticism is key in creating the music we do because we take all of it, including the negative, as a way to improve our work.

This is only the beginning of what I hope to be a successful blog for people seeking help in music promotion, music production, general sound knowledge, and possible success in their endeavor to become a great artist. My blog may take some time to get content but I am looking to add a lot of information about music and even help artists like myself find things that are normally hard to find. Any questions or comments can be emailed to me @ my company email Tha_Martian_Productions@live.com. Please be internet friendly and don't send spam. Anything without the words "production", "music", or "about your blog" will be disregarded as spam and treated as such.

I apologize for this post to be so bland but I had to put an intro to give anyone finding this an idea of what to expect from this website.

With all that said, if you don't find what your looking for I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors and hope that you become the artist's you seek to be.

Much regards and thanks to all who support our cause------Tha_Martian 

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