Wednesday, October 10, 2012


OK, so the past few weeks have been wild! From talking about the buildings of LABJUNKENT to making beats, all I can say is some new things are coming SOON. Some good news? Well, the album
 Fresh Since '83 
Finally all that work is set in a little 4x4" jewel case ready for the shelves....BARCODE included. 

So whats so good about that? Well for starters it's been a work-in-progress for a while now and it's finally done. That also means we get to start on something new. Like another album maybe? ;D

Also been working with a few artists online with shared promotion and ideas for future work and projects. Turns out, there are a lot of people online with good ideas! Who would've known right? Well those ideas are going to come together along with the building of LABJUNKENT so hopefully by some time next year I'll have this internet blog thing down.

Speaking of blog, here is some news for all artist looking for extra promotion. This blog will be used for such, along with other things like projects, events with us and our affiliates, and contact info for artists, promoters, and other official things/ppl. For questions about this just email me.

Ever heard of If not go check it out. It's a cool website that can be used for a lot of things that have to do with your music. From promotion to sales, that site pretty much has it all. The reason for mentioning such a site is I now have my own Reverb up and will be posting beats and songs alike. You can find me there @

AnywayZ, that's just a recap for everyone! There is a few more updates I probably didn't mention so be sure to look the site and our pages on Reverb, Facebook, and Twitter over and let us know what you think!